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Placer Fire Center, Auburn, CA
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Early morning PT on the handball court at Placer Fire Center
Photo by Andy Reed circa 1980 
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Joe Hawkins and Scotty Powell -
Lisa says "Scotty don't look too happy!"
Photo by Lisa Leiber circa 1980
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Ron Langton, Joe Hawkins, Jose Verceles   
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It really WAS low pay!
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The California Conservation Corps has started a newsletter/blog in 2008.
It's online for all to see.
Check it out! 
Dear Friends of the CCC,
The first edition of the California Conservation Corps' 2008 newsletter/blog, HARDCORPS is online.
Rather than just sending out information we wanted to create an interactive experience for not only our friends and supporters, but for the staff and corpsmembers as well.
We invite all of you to join with us in reading, commenting and sharing the Corps experience.
Whether you're a corpsmember, former corpsmember, staff member, parent, friend -- we want to let you know what we're doing and hear from you as well.

If you like what you see please email us and let us know.   hardcorps@ccc.ca.gov
Where the CCC's came from -
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The California Department of Forestry first implemented fire crews in 1949 using adult male inmates when a tent camp operation was established at the Minewawa Camp in southern San Diego County . Within a few years, approximately 12 such CDF-CDC camps existed throughout California .
Incident commanders or “fire bosses” as they were then called, soon realized how valuable fire crews could be to the total wildland fire suppression chore.
In the early seventies, Governor Ronald Reagan instituted the California Ecology Corps. The Corps were an alternative for young men who were conscientious objectors of the Vietnam War.
The CDF-Ecology Corps program lasted from 1973 through 1977.
Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. eliminated the Ecology Corps, replacing it with the CCC's, California ’s new version of the earlier federal Civilian Conservation Corps.
At its peak in the late seventies and early 80's there were eight CDF-CCC Fire Centers.        
Joe Hawkins
Placer Fire Center
Crew 1 and Crew 3
May 1980 - October 1981
You can email me at: vaq34webmaster@yahoo.com
I have to thank Andy Reed reedfamily@yahoo.com   for letting me use his most excellent pictures for my web site.
It's funny that 20 years ago when Andy was bugging everyone with the camp camera
I never thought that I would find a use for these pictures.  Some of them have
kick started brain cells that I thought were long killed off by beer...
Last updated on  28 Jan, 2009